Sadie Grimm Picnic Shelter Project

History: In 1914, Sadie Grimm became the first Canadian woman to win a motorcycle competition open to men by being the first rider to ride from Winnipeg to Winnipeg Beach that year. The feat was notable as there was an almost complete absence of roads at the time.

In 2017, in recognition of this achievement and her early promotion of women motorcycle ridership as having national importance, Sadie was inducted into the Canadian Motorcycle Hall of Fame (CMHOF). She was also recognized in Manitoba Legislature for these accomplishments. The road to the CMHOF involved hundreds of hours of volunteer time. This included the painstaking research, public presentations and public awareness events including a special ride organized by the Women’s Riders Committee (WRC) of the Coalition of Manitoba Motorcycle Groups (CMMG) from Winnipeg to Winnipeg Beach annually since June 2017.

Legacy Project: Sadie’s story has drawn significant media attention including newspaper articles and television pieces. The WRC is raising funds to build a legacy structure at the site of the former Empress Hotel in Winnipeg Beach where Sadie completed her ride in 1914. The Province of Manitoba pre-approved an unique all-steel & concrete  preliminary design by architect and motorcycle enthusiast Brian Mansky. That plan was subsequently modified and approved and is being built by design-builder Anvil Tree. The picnic shelter is being constructed in Winnipeg Beach Provincial Park.

2024 Celebration of Sadie Grimm 1914 Gold Medal Motorcycle Ride

Sunday, June 9, 2024.

In person ride registration 10—11 am, Royal Canadian Legion, 215 Maxwell King Dr. Wpg.

Stops include:

– Skinners Lockport

– Mallard Duck Park: Petersfield

– Whytewood Emporium

Final Celebration & music by Rob Barg Band from 1-3 PM at Winnipeg Beach Prov. Park Bandstand.

Registration of $20: includes 20 50/50 tickets for 3 draws.

For more information contact

Ride your own ride – No parade or escorts.

Revised Picnic Shelter Budget & Fundraising Target 2024


Picnic Shelter Budget:

Original Project Budget: $45,000
Revised Project Budget: $92,000
Commemorative Brick purchase & printing-$1,967.13
Building Permits – $1,621.00
Contract for Shelter Construction – $88,507.21
Design – Donated

Funds Raised:
Donations: $78,000

Total Raised: $78,000 (85%)

Grants Available: $20,000

Total Cost: $92,095.34

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